Today we have a Guest Blog Post from the Organic Land Care Program's Director, Jenna Messier!
“Deb Legge’s Homestead” interviewed by Jenna Messier
You may imagine that the CT NOFA staff members each have beautiful, exemplary gardens at their homes. In the case of CT NOFA office manager, Deb Legge -this is true! Deb has a unique and charming homestead in Wallingford which all neighbors and visitors admire. She lives in an old farmhouse on .5 acres of land, and she has craftily utilized her space to create a mini-farm with chickens, a greenhouse, a lovely screened-in patio and flowers spanning seasons.
I thought I would interview Deb, to find out how she has created this suburban paradise, so our readers will know what is possible.
Jenna: When did you
start your garden?
Deb: I moved into my house in October 1993 and brought about
50 pots of plants with me from the house I'd been renting. I left them under a
snow bank for the winter and started the first garden the following spring.
There had been a vegetable garden there and some mint scattered around, so I
cleaned it all up and just started planting.

Jenna: Did this design evolve, or did you always know the
type of garden you were envisioning?
Deb: It's definitely evolved over time as I've taken more of
the lawn out and trees have come and gone. There's just enough lawn left now to
walk on and play an occasional game of bocce during a family get together. I've always liked jumbly cottage-style
gardens, so you'll find herbs in the flower beds and a stray tomato plant out
by the compost bins.
Jenna: What edibles
are you growing and how many seasons are you in food production?
Deb: With the little
unheated greenhouse, I have fresh produce most of the year. Last winter was
pretty mild and there was lettuce, chard and mache in there. If you plan in late
summer to have things started before it gets cold, they'll start growing again
as soon as the days get noticeably longer in late January/early February.
For perennial edibles, I have several kinds of raspberries,
blackberries, red and black clove currants, grapes, figs, rhubarb, asparagus,
Egyptian onions, horseradish,
Jerusalem artichokes. For the past
couple years I've been adding some small tree and shrub fruits and nuts. Two years ago I added 9 smallish hazelnuts
and just this year put in a couple each of beach plums, Nanking cherries,
western sand cherries and elderberries.
For the rest of the edibles, many of the usual like
tomatoes, cukes, lots of greens, peas, beans, peppers. Except for the peppers,
I either direct seed or start everything in the greenhouse.
Jenna: Did you have any problems with the town or your
neighbors when you decide to have chickens?
Deb: My neighbors have been just fine. There are other
chickens in the area, and no one seems to mind. At the risk of outing myself, I
didn't even check with the town and couldn't find any information about whether
there are even any ordinances for or against keeping a few hens.

Jenna: How many hours per week are you spending in your
garden on maintenance?
Deb: The question that's always hardest to answer! I guess a
lot in the spring, especially for a new project or renovation, but once
everything is in and planted, probably just a few hours a week. But it's my form of exercise, sanity-keeping
and much of our food, so I don't even think of the time involved, except that I
wish I could spend more time there!
Jenna: Would you
share an estimate of what you spend per year on your mini-farm, to cover the
costs of chicken food, potting soil, plants etc.?
Deb: For the three hens, I only need to buy layer feed
(organic, of course!) every few months, as they love to eat a huge variety of
weeds and kitchen scraps, so maybe $10 a month for them. As to the rest, I buy very few imports and
not many plants any more. I make
compost, buy an occasional batch of mulch and lots of seeds, but still spend
less than a few hundred dollars a year. Good potting soil is probably my
biggest expense, and I get that once a year through the NOFA bulk order.
Jenna: Do you have
any suggestions for the aspiring gardener who wishes to have their own garden
paradise on a small lot under an acre?
Deb: Start small! Even in the smallest yard you can grow a
little something. And make friends with a more experienced gardener. I've never
met a gardener not willing to share time, plants and experience with someone
willing to ask and spent some time with them.
Thanks for sharing with us, Deb! And Friends, keep working your soil and
tending your garden dreams!