By Bill Duesing
Should we take the environment
into consideration when we eat?
That is a very critical question
because crises with both food and the environment loom large as we look ahead
to the New Year and beyond.
Food and the environment are
intimately linked. Food comes from the
environment. How we grow food has environmental consequences. They can be, and currently are, very serious.
The good news is that recent
research and traditional knowledge point to ways of growing and eating that
produce health both for the environment and for people.
For the first time ever, the
advisory committee charged with creating the 2015 version of USDA's Dietary
Guidelines was considering including environmental costs in writing those
guidelines. Sounds like a good idea to me.
But not to everyone.
Language slipped into the
Cromnibus Bill, that massive piece of legislation (a.k.a., the agreement) that
Congress cobbled together quickly (!) and passed in December to keep the government
running, squashed any hope of connecting food choices with environmental
... The
agreement directs the Secretary to only include nutrition and dietary
information, not extraneous factors, in the final 2015 Dietary Guidelines for
extraneous factors are identified in the bill language as "agriculture
production practices and environmental factors." Note 1.
If the government can't tell us
about how our food choices effect the environment, we inherit that responsibility.
Three environmental problems
Peter Lehner, the executive
director of Natural Resources Defense Council discussed three problems in a
presentation about Agriculture and Climate Change at Yale Law School last
fall. He said that synthetic nitrogen
fertilizers, animal production and food waste were the food system's largest
contributors to climate change.
Synthetic nitrogen fertilizer is
especially damaging to the climate and the rest of the environment because of
its energy costs and its negative effects on soil carbon and biodiversity.
Lehner reported that two thirds of nitrogen fertilizer is wasted, that is, not
used by crop plants. That excess ends up
in surface and ground water where it causes great damage.
We've known since at least 1971 when
Diet for a Small Planet was published, that eating meat in the
quantities we do in this country is not sustainable, or healthy, or socially
just in a hungry world. (According to Wikipedia, its author, Frances Moore
Lappe, "argued for environmental vegetarianism, which means choosing what
is best for the earth and our bodies — a daily action that reminds us of our power to
create a saner world." Just because an idea is decades old doesn't
mean it's not valid anymore.)
A smallish beef feedlot seen (and very much smelled) from the interstate in Nebraska. We saw cattle all over the west. Most were dispersed on pasture or scrub land in grazing patterns which do little good and often do harm to the environment. Most beef cattle begin life grazing for a year or year and a half.Then they are moved to a feedlot. We just saw a few of these feedlots where most beef cattle spend the last three to six months of their lives living on corn, antibiotics and hormones.
There were also a lot of cattle in trucks, especially going west in north Texas.This system has many environmental costs.
Lehner said that the choice to eat
less meat was one way people could effect a positive change. He noted that Meatless Monday was begun by
the government during WW l to support the troops. It was revived during WW ll. But recently when the USDA mentioned
participating in Meatless Monday as something its employees could do for
their health and the environment, the beef industry went ballistic. The USDA
quickly removed that suggestion from its web site.
I suspect that the meat industry,
its lobbyists and Congresspeople are also behind the limitations on the Dietary
Guidelines Committee. Additional animal-agriculture friendly language in the
Cromnibus bill prohibits the government from requiring farmers to report “greenhouse gas emissions from
manure management systems" or requiring ranchers to obtain greenhouse gas
permits for “methane
produced by cows. According to the EPA
website “Globally,
the agriculture sector is the primary source” of methane emissions. Methane is a much more powerful
greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide.
The meat industry includes most of
industrial agriculture since it rests on a foundation of genetically
modified grains treated with Roundup and other herbicides, insecticides and
chemical fertilizers, as well as large-scale linear systems to feed its
Food waste is the third serious
environmental problem when it accumulates in landfills and releases
methane. Food waste in a world with
hungry people is not only an environmental problem; it's a social problem. Lehner mentioned several innovative projects
to reduce this situation worldwide.
Creating Connections and
In contrast, think about what
happens when food waste is composted and used as fertilizer. Two problems become a solution. Aerobic composting greatly limits methane
release and the resulting product is a much less polluting fertilizer.
As a bonus, compost stimulates
growth of soil organisms and increases soil biodiversity. This pulls carbon from the air, through
plants and into the soil. There, much of
the carbon becomes part of long-lasting humus, sequestering carbon and fighting
climate change. A side effect is vastly
improved water availability.
The positive results from
stimulating soil life and increasing biodiversity through organic and
agroecology methods provided the hopeful message at the "Restoring
Ecosystems to Reverse Global Warming Conference" at Tufts in
November. Scientists, activists, farmers
and ranchers from many countries described their successes. You can see videos from the conference here.
Although there was lots of inspiration and knowledge from the researchers and
practitioners, a young woman restorative-grazing educator from Africa and a
Lakota grandmother from the Cheyenne River Homelands in South Dakota each
brought the audience to its feet.
A long tradition
This knowledge is not new.
Civilizations rise and fall based on how they treat the soil and the
environment. The dominant agriculture in
this country treats soil and the environment so badly that they want to hide
the facts. If soil health and biodiversity are important, we need to use less
chemical fertilizer and fewer herbicides.
If the climate is important, we need to eat less meat.
Industry resists because it must:
to retain its profits and the status quo.
But for more than 100 years, people who have been paying attention have
been saying that we need to work more closely WITH nature, using nature's
methods- increasing biodiversity and eliminating waste by recycling everything.
Organic pioneers such as FH King,
Sir Albert Howard and Louis Bromfield learned from the land management wisdom
of traditional cultures, now often called agroecology. Their writings inspired others such as J. I.
Rodale, Eliot Coleman and Fred Kirschenmann.
See more about this history in NOTE 2.
This 100-year thread of
agricultural wisdom continues to inspire many people today. These visionaries
described organic agriculture before it was even named. Their methods address issues such as climate change,
nitrogen pollution and biodiversity loss before they became issues.
Lose-Lose or Win-Win; you
Moving forward, we can keep going
with the most environmentally destructive food and agriculture system the
planet has seen and keep the effects hidden by Congressional mandate. This food
provides low-cost raw materials for the meat and processed food industries.
Or, we can use proven and
sustainable, organic and ecological methods which work with nature and produce
food that is healthier for us and the planet. Globally, most food is produced
on small-scale farms using organic or agroecology methods. In this country sales of organic products
climbed 83 percent between 2007 and 2012.

Ultimately with the government
gagged it's up to us. Make it your New
Year's resolution to get more involved in this critical issue.
Note 1. Thanks to Representative
Rosa DeLauro's office for sending me the bill language. The full passage reads:
There is
concern that the advisory committee for the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for
Americans is considering issues outside of the nutritional focus of the panel.
The advisory committee is showing an interest in incorporating agriculture
production practices and environmental factors into their criteria for establishing
the next dietary recommendations. The agreement expects the Secretary to ensure
that the advisory committee focuses on nutrient and dietary recommendations
based upon sound nutrition science. The agreement directs the Secretary to only
include nutrition and dietary information, not extraneous factors, in the final
2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
Sounds very similar to the
language in this blog from The attitude
is not so different from that of the tobacco industry in the 1950s and 60s, or
the junk and soda industries today.
Note 2. This is the very issue that pulled me into
organic agriculture over 40 years ago: creating a healing rather than a
damaging food and agricultural system.
I read Farmers of Forty
Centuries (text only here, with photos, here) in which F.H.
King, a USDA soil scientist and agronomist in the early 20th century, recounted
what he learned visiting China, Korea and Japan. He had seen the damage from the expansionist,
extractive trend in US agriculture, as the sod was busted to grow crops for
export. I think he could see the dust bowl coming. But he knew that those Asian societies had
fed themselves on a small land base for over 4,000 years.
King found that they did that by
recycling all organic matter and growing food for people close to where they
needed it. His book inspired many
organic pioneers.
Then I read Pleasant Valley,
the 1945 book in which Pulitzer-prize-winning novelist Louis Bromfield
describes how he restored the farmland and ecosystem functioning of several
Ohio farms that had been ruined by extractive agriculture and the dust
bowl. Springs that had been dry for
years started running again. Forests and pastures returned to health.
See more about Bromfield's farming
here, especially the following:
He chose
to focus on beef and dairy. Additionally, Bromfield developed a technique known
as conservation farming. This was based on grass farming, which produced large
quantities of forage and pasture. Malabar Farm became a national model for
sustainable agriculture. In addition to this, Bromfield experimented with
composting using manure from livestock on the farm. Square fields were changed
to follow the lay of the land so as to discourage erosion. 140 acres were put
aside for timber.
One of Bromfield's influences was
Sir Albert Howard's An Agricultural Testament, published in England in
1940 and in this country in 1943. Howard
was an English agriculturalist and botanist who was sent to India to teach the
"natives" modern agriculture. However he was so impressed with the
health of the soil, people, animals and communities there that he realized that
what they could teach him was more important.
His book, available for downloading here, also inspired J.
I. Rodale to start Organic Farming and
Gardening Magazine.
More recently, in 1979, the USDA
issued its Report and Recommendation on Organic Farming, which
found that organic farming worked at all scales and that it solved many
important environmental problems and should be supported with research and
education. After the 1980 election, that
Report didn't stand a chance.
For more recent views see "TwoVisions," my 1997 description of Fred Kirschenmann's perceptions of
these conflicting of food and agriculture systems.
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